Week 4 of Spring 2023
February 2023
This week was a really busy one for me in terms of class works, I had some midterms and things due so I didn’t have as much time as I would’ve liked since the last meeting to get things done. I have however made some progress. The biggest thing is I have started really understanding the underlying code and figuring out what is going on behind the scenes. I have made my new firebase events load into the app but this has led into my next problem. I need them to work correctly with the calendar and as I have gone in and started looking at that code, I have realized it is going to be a much more time consuming problem that I first thought. It appears that there isn’t really any code in place to help organize the events and that is why they all show-up at once and there is no distictions when clicking on a date. So I will have to dive into understanding how the calendar widget being used works and figure out how to load events in to and selecting a date filters certain events.